(VOVWORLD) - Evaluating Resolution 57 in the current development phase, the scientists agreed that investing in science and technology is the right direction to create momentum for the country’s breakthrough development.
Illustrative photo: vista.gov.vn
The Politburo’s Resolution 57 dated December 22, 2024, on breakthroughs in science and technology development, innovation and national digital transformation has received much attention from scientists abroad.
At the Workshop on Quantum and Digital Twin Technologies for 5G/6G recently held at Middlesex University in London, Vietnamese and British scientists shared their positive evaluations of the country’s science and technology development strategy.
Dr. To Duc, Principal System Architect at Rakuten Symphony UK, stated that the resolution reflects the Party and State's vision for the development of science and digital transformation, and is a strategic document that plays a crucial role in the country's development over the coming decades.
Associate Professor Dr. Tran Gia Khanh from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, said that investing in science, particularly digital transformation, is the right direction. He emphasized that the integration of digital transformation with artificial intelligence will be a major driving force for Vietnam’s economic development.
Professor Balbir Barn, Academic Dean for the Faculty of Science and Technology at Middlesex University, emphasised that Vietnam is clearly in a very good position to lead in technology development and scientific advancement.